MONEY MONEY MONEYYYY!! MONEYY!! Just Don’t … Money should never be the reason to do anything, especially when going into business. We’re going to be hitting home on this one for a lot of people. Poking holes in the reasons why you went into business (if there are any holes to be poked).
If you want to skip all the rambling, all you have to do is take a step back, figure out what success means to you. Then make changes towards achieving that idea of success. Think it over, and decide for yourself.
Want to read more? Continue at your own risk! :)
In general we grow up being taught a few extra zeros on a paycheck is the end all be all of success. Well, it’s not, and it shouldn’t be. The idea sounds amazing when you think about it though, make a ton of money, buy and or go wherever you want. In reality it just digs us deeper into a hole, constantly chasing money to pay for things we don’t necessarily need.
If your end goal is to earn money to buy or go places, do you really need to continue grinding away all year along for those measly two weeks of vacation?
Think about it. When was the last time you’ve heard, or even said …
“Ugghhhhh, I need a vacation!”
“I can’t wait for my vacation xxx days from now.”
“I’m exhausted, I need a break!”
The list can go on and on with complaints of people being exhausted from their 9-5 jobs and need a break.
Even better, they get back from vacation and all they want to do is “go back to paradise.” How can you really love what you do when you’re always planning / waiting for your next vacation or masterminding the best time to use your sick days?
It’s a HUGE disconnect that needs to be reconnected elsewhere.
Passion is that “elsewhere” we’re talking about. It’s time to start learning to do what you love, strive for what you obsess over. Create a life you don’t have to run away from all the time!
Be Obsessed … Are you Obsessed?
Obsession is a strong word, but it’s necessary for success. It is also a great way to gauge how well you’ll do in the long term. Because, after all, success in business is the long term game.
Building up a passion, and beginning to do everything you can to achieve your goals should light a fire in you. You wont need validation from peers in order to keep pushing forward or to stay motivated on your journey.
Your standards are through the roof. The drive to achieve your goals wont be blown out no matter how discouraged or depressed you feel. “Hard times” motivate you to become better. You need to feel unstoppable in your vision. A go getter if you will.
If it’s easy to fall into a rut after failing, or calling it quits when something doesn’t go right, you may need to re-evaluate why you got into this mess in the first place.
Forget About The Money! Seriously
Take a look at the most financially successful people in the world. Do you think they built their successes because they just wanted to earn millions and billions of dollars? No. They got start from either pursuing what they loved, or finding a way to make life better for others, whether it be through products, entertainment, or technology.
I don’t believe money is ever the leading factor, it’s just what comes with the territory when creating something unique from your passion and sharing it with as many people as possible.
Look at Facebook. Mark Zuckerberg started Facebook to connect us with people from all over the world. And even potentially reconnecting with long lost friends or family. Now it’s a multi-zillion dollar company.
Google, a place to share all the knowledge people are willing to put out to the world. Now Google basically makes the world go round.
Simple enough right?
This concept boils down to any type of company … your company.
Finding genuine solutions to problems you’re passionate about is a great place to start in order to find solutions for the world around you. Forget about the money and do it because you love it! Build your passions to provide value to others and you’ll see your success grow exponentially over time.
Remember, there’s no quick fix to success. Take your time and enjoy the ride. Let us know your story in the comments. We’d love to hear where you stand.